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The responsible comrades of the industrial economic zone combined with the work of investment selection for investment

- Apr 17, 2018-

The responsible comrades of the industrial economic zone combined with the work of investment selection for investment, and reported on the investigation of the stainless steel processing trade market. Shan Yonghong listened to notes and inserted messages from time to time to conduct in-depth exchanges on stainless steel market overview, processing trade market, and planning and construction of stainless steel end consumer product processing areas. Shan Yonghong fully affirmed the achievements of industrial development in the industrial economic zone in recent years. Shan Yonghong pointed out that the stainless steel industry in our county has a strong momentum of development. It is necessary to firmly grasp the opportunity for development, systematically plan the development of stainless steel industry clusters, accelerate the construction of stainless steel end consumer goods processing areas, further extend the stainless steel industry chain, and build Xiangshui Industry. Economic Development Center.

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